Entries by Maya Nissim

Helping Children Thrive in Middle School

“What is the most important thing one learns in school? Self-esteem, support, and friendship.” After completing elementary school, middle school is the next step, and an exciting one at that! Children will be entering a whole new world of education and sometimes a different environment with new rules and expectations. Starting middle school can be […]

Teaching the Values of Tzedakah

Children understand that when they give presents to friends or family or share a favorite toy they make the people around them happy. As children get older, and their sense of empathy develops, they also understand the concepts of fairness.   Tzedakah is about making sure that all the world’s resources (food, water, clothing, education, […]

The Benefits of Hebrew and Judaic Studies

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”  – Benjamin Franklin Immersing students in the Hebrew language and exposing them to Judaic Studies in their early educational years fosters Jewish ethics and identity while providing opportunities for a meaningful exploration of Jewish traditions. Hebrew and Judaic Studies in […]

Summer Learning Opportunities for Middle Schoolers

“Summer is not just a break from school, it’s another chance to have fun learning and get ahead…” It’s that time of year again – summer break is just around the corner! While many students are looking forward to a few months of relaxation, there’s no reason why learning has to stop just because school […]

zSpace: The Future of STEM Education

“Success starts with creating a community that challenges and inspires each other.” -zSpace STEM education has become an essential part of child development. During the process of learning,  it is important for children to be exposed to STEM early on in their educational careers. STEM activities help students to develop life skills such as problem-solving, […]

Applying Classroom Knowledge in Real-Life Situations

“Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living…”   It’s no secret that children learn a lot in a school year! They are constantly learning new information, applying skills they have learned, and working on expanding their knowledge. In a typical school year, children will learn about many different topics, including math, science, language arts, […]

Strategies to Increase Reading Comprehension

“So it is with children who learn to read fluently and well: they begin to take flight into a whole new world as effortlessly as young birds take to the sky.” -William James Students read…a lot; but, just because they are reading words on a page, does not mean that they truly understand what is […]

STEM Education For Middle School

“Creativity is the secret sauce to science, technology, engineering, and math…”  Education is constantly evolving and incorporating real-world applications. One of the more recent additions to the education system to foster this is the incorporation of STEM education. You may have heard about the benefits of STEM in research articles or have seen it firsthand […]

100th Day of School Educational Activities

“Adding FUN learning creates the best educational experience possible”   The 100th day of school is an exciting educational milestone for students and teachers. The day is a representation of all the achievements students have made so far and is another great opportunity to practice learned skills. It’s also a wonderful way to immerse students […]

Valuable Leadership Lessons for Middle School Students

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader”.  -President John Quincy Adams   Leadership is such an important skill-set for students to learn. It is one of those lessons that students carry with them for a lifetime. In order to be successful in their […]